Refraktometer CM-780N

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Kompakt refraktometer for måling av konsentrasjon og sukkerinnhold (brix), og er velegnet for kontroll av blandingsprosesser i for eksempel næringsmiddelindustrien. Benyttes også for kontroll av gjæringsprosesser (alkohol, soyasaus etc.). Kan bli installert i rørsystemer eller i utstyr for blanding.


Model CM-780N Cat.No. 3561
Measurement Scale Brix ( Automatic Temperature Compensation according to the sample liquid )
Measurement Range Brix 0.0 to 78.0% Minimum Indication Brix 0.1%
Measurement Accuracy Brix ±0.2% Measurement Temperature 5 to 100°C ( Automatic Temperature Compensation )
Ambient Temperature 5 to 40°C Power Consumption 3VA
Output (1) Recorder output :
DC 4 to 20mA
(2) RS-232C output
Materials in contact with the Solution Prism : Sapphire
Prism stage : SUS316
Power Supply DC24V
International Protection Class IP64
Dust-tight and Protected against splashing water.
Dimensions & Weight 16×17×11cm, 1.8kg
(Main Unit only)
Accessory Power input cable ( 1m )