Refraktometer RX-5000α-Plus

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Automatisk digitalt refraktometer, for måling av brytningsindeks, brix eller konsentrasjon av flytende prøver raskt og nøyaktig. Forbedret versjon av RX-5000α, med nøyaktighet på ±0,01 for brix, og nD ±0,00002 for brytningsindeks.


Model RX-5000α-Plus Cat.No. 3266
Measurement Range Refractive index (nD) : 1.32700 to 1.58000
Brix : 0.000 to 100.000%
( 5 to 60°C ATC)
Minimum indication Refractive index (nD) : 0.00001
Brix : 0.005%
Temperature: 0.01°C
Measurement Accuracy
Refractive index (nD) :
Brix : ±0.010%
Measurement Temperature 5 to 60°C
Power Supply AC100V to 240V, 50/60Hz
Power consumption 65VA Dimensions & weight 37×26×14cm, 6.4kg
(Main Unit only)
Mode MODE-1:
Displays the measurement value once the sample reaches the target temperature.

Measures refractive index and temperature at fixed intervals and displays the estimated measurement value at the target temperature.

The thermo-module can be turn off. Without temperature control, the measurement value is displayed in 4 seconds after the START key is pressed.

Displays the measurement value once a certain level of sample stability is achieved.

Output terminals • Printer (for ATAGO digital printers)
• Computer – RS-232C
Connection to a USB port requires a USB to RS-232 adapter (optional)